Beliefs About Asteroids

Beliefs About Asteroids

Superstitious beliefs about asteroids

Daftar Isi

1. Superstitious beliefs about asteroids

kaylangan magwish kasi magkakatotoo yun 

2. scientific beliefs about asteroids

my grandmother said"kung may asteroid daw may digmaang paparatin"yun ang paniniwala nila.

3. 1. what are the beliefs about comets and asteroids? 2. How these beliefs triggered cataclysm on Earth? And how about comets and asteroids?​


1.The Greeks and Romans believed that the appearance of comets, meteors and meteor showers were portentous. They were signs that something good or bad had happened or was about to happen.

2.A cataclysm may have jump-started life on Earth. A new scenario suggests that some 4.47 billion years ago-a mere 60 million years after Earth took shape and 40 million years after the moon formed a moon-size object sideswiped Earth and exploded into an orbiting cloud of molten iron and other debris.

4. filipino superstitious beliefs about comets asteroids and meteors

If comets are fallen there's a war coming

5. beliefs in real stories about comets and asteroids​


Comets and meteors have fascinated the human race since they were first spotted in the night sky. But without science and space exploration to aid understanding of what these chunks of rock and ice are, ancient cultures often turned to myth and legend to explain them.

6. superstitious beliefs about asteroids and comets with scientific explanation

In ancient times peoples cultural and tradition backgrounds are highly influenced by different belief one of this are superstitious belief about comets, comets can be seen only once in 77 years, some comets can't see by our unaided eye because of very distant away from earth's its travel, ancient people believes that when a comet passed make a wish and it'll become true, also comets are signs of bad omens might war and conflicts, plague will happen, according to scientist they prove that there is no scientific based and evidence about this superstitious belief.

7. superstitious belief about comets,meteors,and asteroids

if we wish anything while an asteroid is passing through it becomes true

8. Give superstitious beliefs about comets asteroids meteors

They are thought to grant wishes
some think they are angels
others think they are bad omens that mean the end of the world. 

9. superstitious belief about asteroids

 One superstitious beliefs about asteroids is if an asteroid crashed in the surface of the earth, the climate will become hotter. Another is that asteroids will cause great harm to the earth when it passes.

that's all I remembered xP

10. superstitious beliefs about asteroids

1. Bad luck will arrive if an asteroid hit the planet earth, like on Halley's Comet.
2. If an asteroid is falling from the sky, then you can make a wish and it will become true.
3. They are messengers of the Gods, as said on ancient times.

Even though some of these superstitions includes the comet, meteor, and the one that you are asking for: asteroid, we all believe that the superstitious between them are related to each other. 

11. superstitious beliefs about comets meteors and asteroids​


Probably everyone knows the superstition about wishing on a falling star. It’s nothing but superstition, a belief in magic. Comets had a tendency to be thought of as bad omens. Except when they were considered to be good omens. If you lost a major battle when a comet was hanging in the sky, it would be a bad omen. If you won the battle, it would be considered a good omen.


12. Beliefs practices about comets, meteors, asteroids

It is believed that the appearance of comets is a sign for the end of the world.

Our ancestors also believed that it is a sign of destructive events, calamity or war to happen in the near future.

In Japan, they relate comet to death. While, in the Philippines, comets, meteors and asteroids is a sign of bad luck. Some believes that wish do come true when you say it when meteor appears.

These are just superstitious beliefs and have no scentific evidences

13. Superstitous beliefs about asteroids, meteors, and comets.

Some beliefs said that when a comet falls down there will be a tragedy...

14. supertciuos belief about comet,meteor,asteroid

others say that when comet, meteor, or asteroid will hit the earths atmosphere, it will cause the end of the world.

15. superstitious beliefs about meteors, comets and asteroid

Celestial visitors like comets, asteroids, and meteors have always been captured the imagination of ancient civilizations.They have been thought of as bad omens or signs of great change or challenge such as ushering disasters and wars.

16. superstitious beliefs about meteor comets and asteroid

Superstitous Beliefs about Comet,Asteroid,and Meteor with Scientific Basic in the Philippines?
--The appearance of a comet is often seen as a sign of destructive and tragic events, which will come to pass in the near future.
--In an ancient Chinese book, written in 300 B.C., it is explained how the arrival of comets has caused various disasters, such as wars, the dethronement of powerful leaders, mysterious whale deaths and a lack of vital ingredients, such as salt, fish and rice.
---Superstitions about comets and asteroids, such as the fear that bad luck will arrive with Halley's Comet, are based in science only so far as that these phenomena do occur. The bad luck that comes along with them, however, has little to do with reality. Superstitions about comets and asteroids have absolutely no scientific basis what so ever.

17. what are the superstitious belief about asteroid?

Here in our country, the Philippines, our ancestors once believe that asteroids were signs of war, drought, storm, and other unfortunate happenings.

18. superstitous beliefs about comet,meteor,asteroid

if you wish on a shooting star it will come true

19. What are the superstitious beliefs about asteroids in the philippines?

the superstitious belief about the asteroids
in the other hand, asteroid is the messenger of god that can be seen in night sky.
if you see an asteroid make a wish and it will become true.

(∧_∧) hope it can help.............

20. what are the supertitious beliefs about asteroid?

Ancient people believed asteroids also cause bad omen such as disaster or curse equivalent as they believe on comets in the sky.

21. Superstitious belief about comets, asteroids, and meteor

In ancient times, peoples believe that comets are messenger of god and make a wish and it'll become true. I think there is no scientific evidence and basis about this superstitious belief.

22. 5 Superstitious Beliefs About Asteroids

One superstitious belief about asteroids is if an asteroid crashed in the surface of the earth, the climate will become hotter. Another is that asteroids will cause great harm to the earth when it passes.

23. Superstitious belief about asteroid comets meteor

may sakuna na magaganap

24. superstitious belief about comets, asteroids, and meteor

Superstitious belief about comets, asteroids, and meteor

The imagination of ancient history has been caught  by celestial travelers as comets , asteroids and meteors.  We saw this as negative omens or signs of  major changes or threats, such as catastrophes and war. The existence of comets is thought to be  an indicator of the end of the earth. It is often assumed by our ancestors that in the near  future this is a warning of catastrophic events, calamities or wars. The comet is connected  to death in Japan.  Comets, meteors and asteroids in the  Philippines are a sign of bad luck.  Many people claim that the wish  is fulfilled when the meteor appeared.

Such are merely superstitious  beliefs without scenic evidence.

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25. filipino superstitious beliefs about comets asteroids and meteors

They say that if a meteor fall to earth something bad will happened.

26. Beliefs practices about comets, meteors, asteroids

The asteroid or the meteoroids are all travelling in parallel paths with the same velocity. That is why whenever we see and catch meteors or the what we call meteor showers, they appear to come from only one point or starting point in the sky. This was proven by the scientists.

27. 15 superstitious belief about comets asteroids and meteors

If there is a meteor they wish and they think it will come true...

28. scientific beliefs about asteroids,comets,meteors

Comet Hailey was believed to be a sign of destruction of Earth and comets are also believed to be "broom stars" by the Chinese before, because it sweeps the bad luck around them. And also asteroids are not "stars" like "falling stars" because they are pieces of rocks from outer space that entered the Earth's atmosphere and when they enter, they begin to burn, like far away they glow like stars. One more thing, making a knot then make a wish when there's a comet passing by, I don't believe, that's my opinion, it depends on the person.

29. Supersticious beliefs about asteroids

"an asteroid that has life (microbes) was a debris of mars that had life and seeded the earth with life when mars had bacteria and we didnt"

30. superstitious or beliefs about comet,meteor,and asteroid

celestial visitors like comets, asteroids and meteors have always captured the imagination of the ancient civilization. They thought of these as bad omens or signs of great change or challenge such as ushering disaster and wars.

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