Dderr unsupported

Dderr unsupported

What are unsupported generalizations?

Daftar Isi

1. What are unsupported generalizations?

Unsupported generalization is exaggerations or information based on nothing.they mosttely give baseless details for example ; My sister and I have blond hair , where both good at riding horses, people with blond hair are good at riding horses.

2. unsupported facts meaning


yan po ang sagot and mark brainlist and stay safe po

3. write supportive or unsupportive​


1. unsupportive

2. unsupportive

3. supportive

4. unsupportive

5. supportive


tama po ba

4. Difference of faulty logic and unsupported facts


This is a lesson about what is faulty logic, unsupported facts and emotional appeal. In this lesson, learners will be able to develop their reasoning and thinking skills. After accomplishing this, the learners will learn the moral value of being wise.

5. unsupported generalization and my supporting generelizationpahelppppp​


nakakainis na sila lagi nalang ako Ang sinisisi huhuhu bakit pa Kasi nawala si mama huhuhu ni Wala manlang ako masabihan ng problema ko pagod na pagod na ako huhuhu nakakainis na lagi sana di nalang nawala si mama sa dinadami ng tao bakit yung mama ko pa huhuhuhu

6. what is the meaning of Unsupported Generalization?​


ito lng nmn yung mga

is a general statement that has no specific facts to back. Generalization- facts, details, examples. A supported generalization rests on specific facts and evidence. An unsupported generalization simply floats on air, without any facts or evidence to support or back it up.



An unsupported generalization is a general statement that has no specific facts to back. Generalization- facts, details, examples. A supported generalization rests on specific facts and evidence. An unsupported generalization simply floats on air, without any facts or evidence to support or back it up.

7. 5 advertisement with unsupported facts​


1. Our teacher said you are beautiful.

2. I'm beautiful.

3. El Nido is such a beauty compared to Coron.

4. Spiderman is real.

5. Beauty comes from within.

Mark This Answer Into BRAINLIEST ^_^Thanks!

8. 10 examples of unsupported facts

What is unsupported facts- It's the facts without evidence or proof
1. Our teacher said you are beautiful..
2. I'm beautiful.
3. El Nido is such a beauty compared to Coron.
4. Spiderman is real.
5. Beauty comes from within.
6. People in El Nido are much nicer than the people in Boracay.
7. My mom is amazing.
8. They said our boss is strict.
9. He loves me.
10. God is good all the time.

9. What propaganda is using labels that are unsupported facts?


The Institute for Propaganda Analysis

The Institute for Propaganda Analysis existed from 1937 to 1941; it closed down because, with war approaching, they couldn't maintain a dispassionate analysis of all propaganda. Their premise was a concern about increasing amounts of propaganda being used on the public. Their goal was to educate the public about propaganda and help them recognize and deal with it. Their concern was that increasing amounts of propaganda would weaken the peoples' ability to analyze and think rationally about issues. Their propaganda devices, listed below, were useful in 1939 but would be considered simplistic now.



Advertisements of any kind are propaganda used to promote a product or service. For example, an ad that promotes one brand of toothpaste over another is an example of propaganda.Advertisements of any kind are propaganda used to promote a product or service. For example, an ad that promotes one brand of toothpaste over another is an example of propaganda. Political signs and commercials are an example of propaganda. These promote one candidate and his views over others in the race. The government produces many kinds of propaganda. Any kind of public service announcements about healthy living can be considered propaganda.

10. Meaning of unsupported generalization and exageration


11. Example of faulty logic unsupported facts and emotional appeal


a) LOGIC – is the use and study of valid reasoning.

b) FAULTY - (of reasoning and other mental processes) mistaken or misleading because of flaws.

Faulty logic describes poor reasoning, such as the use of fallacious arguments like personal (ad hominem) attacks, irrelevancies, analogies.

Example: They fall into three main types: Distraction; Ambiguity; and Form.

1. Fallacies of Distraction
Ad baculum (Veiled threat): "to the stick":  - threatening an opponent if they don’t agree with you; - "If you don’t agree with me you’ll get hurt!"

2. Fallacies of Ambiguity
Division: assuming that what is true of whole must be true of the parts; - "The Lakers are a great team, so every player must be great too."

3. Fallacies of Form
Post hoc ergo propter hoc (False cause): "after this, therefore because of this;" - assuming that a temporal sequence proves a causal relationship; - "I saw a great movie before my test; that must be why I did so well."

c) FACTS – something that has really occurred or is actually the case.

...unsupported facts are those facts claimed by an individual or a group of individuals that have actually occurred but were unable to provide sufficient evidence to support their claim... (see full details here: https://brainly.ph/question/504977)

d) APPEAL - the power of arousing a sympathetic response. 

An emotional appeal is a method of persuasion that's designed to create an emotional response. Emotional appeals persuade audiences by arousing the emotions. They refer to the speaker or writer’s goal of arousing the emotions of an audience to move them to act.

Example: Emotional appeals are especially prevalent in advertising. When fashion magazines play on our insecurities about body image, they're using emotional appeals. When political ads play on our fears, telling us that voting for someone will lead to financial ruin or wars, they're using emotional appeals. 

12. what sentence contains unsupported generalizations and exaggerations​


i dont know po


13. unsupported facts in romeo and juliet


the love at first sight,they love each otherthey died bothher father was a sequel on their love storyromeo always climb the palace to see Juliet


I'm not sure about the last two answer but hope it helps~❤

14. unsupported facts examples

8 examples of unsupported facts

•Our teacher said you are beautiful..

•I'm handsome.

•El Nido is such a beauty compared to Coron.

•Spiderman is real.

•Beauty comes from within.

•People in El Nido are much nicer than the people in Boracay.

•My mom is amazing.

•They said our boss is strict.


If a statement or theory is unsupported, there is no evidence which proves that it is true or correct.


Our teacher said you are beautiful.Our teacher said you are beautiful.I'm beautiful.Our new teacher is strict.Spiderman and Batman is real.Beauty comes from within.My mom is amazing.They said our boss is strict.My friend is not a lier.I'm a genius.My cat is cute.


hope it helps~❤

15. 5 advertisement with unsupported facts​


sunsilk, cream, cheese frosting


paki brainliest namn po Please lang

16. Definition of unsupported facts

Technically, facts are those things that have occurred in reality. However, unsupported facts are those facts claimed by an individual or a group of individuals that have actually occurred but were unable to provide sufficient evidence to support their claim.


In addition, unsupported facts can also be, or actually have been seen to have took place but, then there is an existing contention that a certain event really have not took place.

17. What is similarities of unsupported generalization and exaggeration?​


— Example of unsupported generalization and exaggeration, then there is little a writing corrector can caused by provide you generalization ...


that is my correct answer ,pls vote me

18. unsupported facts meaning


Unsupported facts are those facts which claimed by an individual or group that have actually occured or happen but were unable to provide sufficient evidence to support their claims.

19. Exercising is good This is a emotional appeal or unsupported facts


because your emotion that consist appeal of your unsupported facts

20. identify whether it is exaggeration or unsupported generalization​

6. Unsupported Generalization

7. Unsupported Generalization

8. Exaggeration

9. Unsupported Generalization

10. Exaggeration

11. Unsupported Generalization

12. Unsupported Generalization

13. Unsupported Generalization

14. Exaggeration

15. Unsupported Generalization

21. What is unsupported facts ?? Examples.

 Unsupported statements of belief or opinion For the person who called and said Larry Bird was better than Michael Jordan, wake up. No one was ever better than Michael Jordan, not even Kareem in his glory and not even Dr. J. (From a newspaper call-in column)

If a fact, statement or theory is unsupported, there is no evidence which proves that it is true or correct. 

Unsupported means not supported physically, not given financial or other assistance, not borne out by evidence or facts.

Technically, facts are those things that have occurred in reality. However, unsupported facts are those facts claimed by an individual or a group of individuals that have actually occurred but were unable to provide sufficient evidence to support their claim...(see full details here https://brainly.ph/question/504977)

22. Give some examples of unsupported generalization and exaggeration in advertisements.​

An unsupported generalization Is a specific assertion that can not be inferred from facts or descriptions of an article.

Examples of Exaggeration:

•This 1000 year old bicycle.

•He snores louder than a freighter ship.

•All my dog has is cat friends.

•He drowns in sweat.

•His brain is pea shaped


23. unsupported facts about pandemic​


A pandemic (from Greek πᾶν, pan, "all" and δῆμος, demos, "local people" the 'crowd') is an epidemic of an infectious disease that has spread across a large region, for instance multiple continents or worldwide, affecting a substantial number of people. A widespread endemic disease with a stable number of infected people is not a pandemic. Widespread endemic diseases with a stable number of infected people such as recurrences of seasonal influenza are generally excluded as they occur simultaneously in large regions of the globe rather than being spread worldwide.

24. Unsupported facts in romeo and juliet story

There are several unsupported facts in William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Despite the fact that some details exist in the real world, there are many things that occurred in the story which can either be true or false as they are unsupported.


To know more what unsupported facts mean, you can click on this link: https://brainly.ph/question/504977

25. Give me a 5 unsupported facts

What is unsupported facts- It's the facts without evidence or proof
1. Our teacher said you are beautiful..
2. I'm beautiful.
3. El Nido is such a beauty compared to Coron.
4. Spiderman is real.
5. Beauty comes from within.

26. What example of unsupported facts


What are unsupported facts- It's the facts without evidence or proof


1. Our teacher said you are beautiful.

2. I'm beautiful.

3. El Nido is such a beauty compared to Coron.

4. Spiderman is real.

5. Beauty comes from within.

6. People in El Nido are much nicer than the people in Boracay.

7. My mom is amazing.

8. They said our boss is strict.

9. He loves me.

10. God is good all the time.


Monsters are real

Step-by-step explanation:

Unsupported facts is a statement or theory which has no evidence that proves if it's true or not.

27. Examples of unsupported Generalization?

A generalization is a concept based from the observations of similarities and likeness in a specific group. It is the act of inferring that an idea is suitable to other people in the same group. For instance, to say that Asians are nerds is a generalization of Asians based from the observation that most Asians in the US do well in academics.

However, not all generalizations are true and these are often based on pure judgement on not on facts or research. These are what we call unsupported generalization.

amples would be to say that the reason why Filipinos are good in playing basketball is because they eat rice everyday; to say that Japanese usually have poor vision because they are very hard working; or to say that children in the Philippines are malnourished and unhealthy because of focusing too much on social media.

28. ᴛʀᴜᴇ ᴏʀ ғᴀʟsᴇ1.it relies on unsupported claims​



arl ng mabuti ha ok


29. what sentence contains unsupported generalization and exaggeration​


nasan po yung sentence :( huh

30. what sentence contains unsupported generalizations and exaggerations


•He snores louder than a freighter ship.

•He snores louder than a freighter ship.•All my dog has is cat friends.

•He snores louder than a freighter ship.•All my dog has is cat friends.•He drowns in sweat.

•He snores louder than a freighter ship.•All my dog has is cat friends.•He drowns in sweat.•His brain is pea shaped.



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