Entertainment Software Examples

Entertainment Software Examples

5. Software helps you read, write, talk to, and listen to other people. Examples are theInternet and Email. Internet Explore and Chrome are examples of Internet browsers.Browsers help you use the Internet.a. Communications Softwareb. Entertainment software​

Daftar Isi

1. 5. Software helps you read, write, talk to, and listen to other people. Examples are theInternet and Email. Internet Explore and Chrome are examples of Internet browsers.Browsers help you use the Internet.a. Communications Softwareb. Entertainment software​

I think its A communications software Hope this can helppQuestion:

5. Software helps you read, write, talk to, and listen to other people. Examples are the Internet and Email, Internet Explore and Chrome are examples of Internet browsers. Browsers help you use the Internet.

A. Communications Software

B. Entertainment software


>>> A. Communications Software


Communications Software helps you read, write, talk to, and listen to other people. Examples are the Internet and Email, Internet Explore and Chrome are examples of Internet browsers.

✔️ A. Communications Software

✖️ B. Entertainment software


2. discuss entertainment software


Discuss entertainment software?

Education and entertainment software is a powerful tool for educational agencies, especially those that deal with educating young children. Connection offers a wide range of entertainment software such as computer games, educational games, translation software, and mapping software, among others



3. 4.what are the different types of entertainment software?


Types of Software

Application Software.

System Software.


Programming Software.

Driver Software.



Open Source Software


Digital image- and video-editing software.

Digital audio software.

Media management software, and.

Specialty software to produce computer games.

4. give example of entertainment​




5. Entertainment Essay example


How to write interesting and engaging essays

Choose your topic wisely. If you are not restricted on what to write about, choose your topic wisely. ...

Keep your ideas organized. Do not lose your reader by having a disorganized essay. ...

Write shorter sentences. Aim to be concise and precise. ...

Use examples or statistics. ...

Use rhetorical questions. ...

Do not wander.


Sorry thats all I can help. Hope it helps. Sorry if this is not what you r looking for

6. examples of entertainment in art​


] Examples include: art shows/festivals/displays/galleries, author appearance/signing, ballet, book reading, chorus/choir, comedy, concert, dance, gallery night, museums, musical, opera, orchestral, symphony, and live theater among others. Arts and entertainment can be defined by a wide variety of activities.


Examples include: art shows/festivals/displays/galleries, author appearance/signing, ballet, book reading, chorus/choir, comedy, concert, dance, gallery night, museums, musical, opera, orchestral, symphony, and live theater among others. Arts and entertainment can be defined by a wide variety of activities


leave a heart choose me a brainliest

7. specific example of entertainment


watching movies



entertainment consisting of different short performances, for example people singing, dancing, and telling jokes


8. example of entertainment speech​


Family is our ending foundation


Salamat po pa brainliest po


Here is a suggestion based on a speech I heard and enjoyed about 70 years ago. It should be very easy to compose a speech based on this approach. After you are introduced and walk up to the lectern, carry at your side a dictionary, but don’t let the audience see the cover. Say something like: “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. For my presentation tonight, I thought it would be appropriate to share with you some writings that you might find informative and even inspirational. Tonight I am going to read to you from the Book of Words.“ Show the audience the dictionary. You might even read the title. That should get a laugh. Turn to a page you have clipped. Have a word underlined. Read the word. Don’t read the definition. Say something silly about it. For example, read the word “iconoclastic”. Say something like, “I first heard that word in kindergarten when I was five years old. I asked my mother what it meant. She didn’t know either, so she washed out my mouth with soap.” Turn the page and pick out another word. Example, “Here’s one - Convict. That word came up a lot when my family was talking about my uncle Ned.”

9. example of entertainment speech​


A speech designed to grab an audience's attention and regale or amuse them while conveying a point is referred to as an entertaining speech.

Problem-solving that is both amusing and educational. Funny life facts are a popular topic for a entertainment speech.

The purpose of an entertaining speech is to entertain the audience while conveying the message. These talks are intended to amuse and entertain the audience. Entertainment speeches, like other sorts of speeches, should have a distinct message. The manner of speaking, on the other hand, is not formal and differs slightly from traditional methods.

Entertainment speeches are given at events such as entertaining debating tournaments, a wedding toast, or an award presentation speech, among others. Entertainment content includes comedy films, theater plays, and comedy shows, to name a few examples.

entertainment speech



10. examples of entertainment speeches​


An example of entertainment speech is when you write an entertaining speech about an entertainment topic. Entertainment speeches are famous because they offer speakers the opportunity to explore topics that relate directly to their personalities and experiences.

However, most of these entertainment speeches aren’t well prepared, because like in most situations, a new occasion necessitates a different audience.

As a result, while keeping an event’s length and amount of information provided constant, one must be flexible with the time it takes to prepare.

example of entertainment speech

Among the example of entertainment, speeches are doing a comedy speech. Others may even do motivational entertainment speeches about different topics. We all like to have a good time but this time will be more enjoyable if there’s motivation.

Consequently, many people are doing motivational entertainment speeches to do the best time in their life. Let’s discuss what an example of entertainment speech entails

Examples of entertaining topics include:

TV shows

reality shows

video games

music artists

fashion trends, new movies

Internet sensations

viral videos

animals with unusual talents

old-school cartoons.

11. example of entertainment speech

An example of Entertainment speech is Advertising either on televisions or in radios.

12. example of speech to entertain ​


ENTERTAINMENT SPEECH EXAMPLES – When we’re at an event, there should always be somebody that’s brought in to entertain the audience.

With this, the audience gets captivated and would likely have a better time at the event. As such, event planners and organizers often higher a professional MC who gives the audience entertainment speeches.

13. 10. These are used to design structures like bridges, buildings and cars. a. Anti-Virus Utilitieb. Engineering/ Architectural Toolsc. Entertainment Software d. Network and Communication Software​


b. Engineering/ Architectural Tools

List down at least five goals in life that you want to achieve through the application of Philosophy. Elaborate.

14. 5 example of entertain




Thats the answer please make brainliest answer

15. entertainment example​


can be public or private,involving formal, scrpted performance as in the case of theatre or concerts

or unscripted and spontaneous as in the case of children games


Entertainment can be public or private, involving formal, scripted performance, as in the case of theatre or concerts; or unscripted and spontaneous, as in the case of children's games. ... Films and video games, for example, although they use newer media, continue to tell stories, present drama, and play music.

16. Example situation of entertainment


You and your friends going to a concert.

17. example of entertaining speech?​


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Example of Entertainment Speech

15 min read

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October 29th, 2021

Home Example Of Entertainment Speech

An example of entertainment speech is when you write an entertaining speech about an entertainment topic. Entertainment speeches are famous because they offer speakers the opportunity to explore topics that relate directly to their personalities and experiences.

However, most of these entertainment speeches aren’t well prepared, because like in most situations, a new occasion necessitates a different audience.

As a result, while keeping an event’s length and amount of information provided constant, one must be flexible with the time it takes to prepare.

example of entertainment speech

Among the example of entertainment, speeches are doing a comedy speech. Others may even do motivational entertainment speeches about different topics. We all like to have a good time but this time will be more enjoyable if there’s motivation.

Consequently, many people are doing motivational entertainment speeches to do the best time in their life. Let’s discuss what an example of entertainment speech entails.

What is an Entertainment Speech?

An entertainment speech is the act of writing, delivering, or performing a speech that is meant to entertain the audience instead of solely informing them.

An entertaining speech is always delivered amusing, and it is more like a show than a speech. For example, you can add different voices and mimicry, so your audience will find it more amusing.

Example of entertainment speech

These speeches are always delivered at events such as graduations, birthday parties, and weddings. The purpose is to entertain or amuse the audience to relax and enjoy themselves.

The information provided in the speech should be helpful and informative at the same time. The key to success with this kind of speech is finding a balance between helpful information and entertainment; nobody wants to listen to a too serious or boring speech.

What are Entertainment Speech Topics?

Entertainment speech topics are the most common and straightforward type of speech to write.

Examples of entertaining topics include:

TV shows

reality shows

video games

music artists

fashion trends, new movies

Internet sensations

viral videos

animals with unusual talents

old-school cartoons.

example of entertainment speech


Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! How are we all doing tonight?

I'm here to talk to you about something that has been on my mind for a while now - the true superpower of human beings. No, it's not the ability to fly or shoot lasers from our eyes - it's the power of laughter.

Think about it. Laughter has the power to unite us, heal us, and make us forget about our troubles, if only for a little while. It's the secret weapon to coping with stress, heartache, and even world problems.

But don't take my word for it. Let me demonstrate. Knock, knock. (Audience: Who's there?) Olive. (Audience: Olive who?) Olive you and I think we're going to have a great time tonight!

Okay, okay, maybe that joke was a little cheesy, but you get the point. Laughter is contagious, and when we come together to share it, amazing things can happen.

So, let's make a pact tonight. Let's promise to laugh, to be silly, and to appreciate the absurdity of life. Let's smile at strangers, tickle our friends, and watch funny cat videos on Youtube. Because in a world that can be so serious and scary at times, laughter truly is the best medicine.

Thank you for listening, and let's all go out there and spread some joy!

18. entertainment speech examples


What do u mean i do not see any questions


Movies are the easiest and most common form of entertainment that most people in the world consume. ...

TV Shows.

Just like movies, television is another type of entertainment that is easily available and comes in a wide array of choices. ...

19. Entertaining speech examples

ANSWER:Informative speech. Informative speeches aim to educate an audience on a particular topic or message.

#ShareYourKnowledge ^^

20. give example of entertainment​




Movies are the easiest and most common form of entertainment that most people in the world consume.

21. entertainment example​




22. Example of multimedia in Entertainment?​


Music and video apps are perhaps the most glaring example of the rise of multimedia in entertainment, and include notable examples such as Spotify, TuneIn Radio, Apple Music, Play Music, Groove Music, Pandora, etc.

23. to entertain- (example)to persuade- (example)to inform- (example)​


ENTERTAIN = An example of entertain is a clown making balloon animals at a child's birthday party. An example of entertain is having friends over for a dinner party at your house. An example of entertain is a student deciding which colleges to apply to. ... Entertain friends at dinner.

PERSUADE = He persuaded his friend to go back to school. She couldn't be persuaded to go. He would not let himself be persuaded into buying the more expensive stereo. I am not easily persuaded.

INFORM = An example of to inform is someone telling a friend what time they'll arrive. To disclose confidential or incriminating information to an authority. The defendant informed against the other members of the ring. To communicate knowledge to.

24. An example of entertainment speech​


Like novel or short story..


25. Example of entertainment

Examples of entertainment includes:

1. Film

2. Music

3. Media

4. Sports

5. Attractions

6. Museums

7. Cultural events

8. Art Performances


Singing, Dancing, Painting, Playing Games and etc.


These are entertainments because it will remove your stress and keep you entertained to forget your problem for a small amount of time

26. example of entertainment​


media, sports,or museums


video games, events and jokes


all of that is an example of entertainment because it will make you feel amaze, and happy because entertainment is a form of activity that holds the attention and interest of an audience or gives pleasure and delight.

27. example of entertainment text

plays or comic strips.

28. Examples of entertaining speech

Family is our ending foundation.

29. Examples of commercial entertainment


Film. The motion picture industry that produces and distributes feature films and animation.

Music. The production and performance of music and related media such as music videos.

Media. The media industry is the communication of information and entertainment. ...

Sports. ...

Attractions. ...

Museums. ...

Cultural Events. ...

Performance Art.


find an inpseration

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