Explain How The Evil Gorgon s Head Is Beneficial To Perseus

Explain How The Evil Gorgon s Head Is Beneficial To Perseus

explain how the evil gorgon's head is beneficial to perseus?

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1. explain how the evil gorgon's head is beneficial to perseus?


Medusa's head continue to have power after it was detached from her body by Perseus. In fact, upon beheading Medusa, two offspring came out from the drops of her blood - Pegasus, a winged horse and Chrysaor, a giant or a winged boar.

Perseus also used Medusa's head as weapon in most of the fights he had and later on requested to place Medusa's head into his shield so that everyone who will target him shall turn into stone.


2. Explain how the evil gorgon ls head is beneficial to perseus

He used it to kill his enemies

3. medusa was beheaded by Perseus, yet her head continued to have power.explain how the evil gorgon s head was beneficial to perseus.​

Even when her head was chopped it still has it's power to petrify her enemies.

Perseus used this to his advantage and turned his enemies into stone using Medusa's head.

4. Medusa was beheaded by Perseus, yet her head continued to have power. Explain how the evil Gorgon’s head is beneficial to Perseus.

Yes, Medusa's head continue to have power after it was detached from her body by Perseus. In fact, upon beheading Medusa two offspring came out from the drops of her blood- Pegasus, a winged horse, and Chrysaor, a giant or a winged boar. Perseus also used Medusa's head as weapon in most of the fights he had and later on requested to place Medusa's head into his shield. 

5. Medusa was beheaded by perseus yet her head continued to have power? Explain how the evil gorgons head in beneficial to persues

When the marriage of Perseus and Andromeda was hindered by Phineas and caused riot, Perseus used the head of Medusa to kill Phineas and the devastating rioters, he also killed King Polydectes with Medusa's head

6. medusa was be headed by perseus,yet her head continued to have power? explain the evil gorgons head ia beneficial to perseus.

Yes, the head is still useful. And the benefit of that head from perseus is he can use it in battle by just facing the eye to the enemy and the enemy will turn to stone.

7. medusa was beheaded by perseus yet her head continued to have power. Explain how the evil gorgons head is beneficial to perseus.


Even after the evil gorgon's decapitation, her severed head still had its power and so, Perseus used Medusa's head to defeat the sea monster Cetus and became the saviour of Andromeda and the city of Argos.

8. Medusa was beheaded by Perseus, yet her head continued to have power. Explain how the evil Gorgon’s head is beneficial to Perseus.

Medusa's head was useful for Perseus in many ways. Such example was during the battle between Phineas and Perseus as well as to King Polydectes.

9. medusa was behead by perseus yet her head continued to have power explain how the evil gorgons head is beneficial to perseus

So Evil Gorgons are actually beneficial to Persues because The gorgon's head turned others who would fight against him to stone. Using the head of Medusa, Perseus is able to destroy the Ketos (the monster to which Andromeda was to be sacrificed) and kill the conniving Polydectes. Some versions also have him using the head to kill his grandfather Acrisius, as well.Polydectes wanted Perseus mother, Danaë. Perseus found Polydectes was a "bad guy" and always tried to protect his mother from him. So Polydectes had to get Perseus out of the way. 

10. Medusa wars behealed By Perseus, year her Head continued to have power. Explain How the evil gorgons Head is beneficial to Perseus

It helps Perseus to gain strength and face all the challenge that he needs to encounter. It helps him to be brave enough to handle and defeat them.

11. Medusa was beheaded by perseus yet her head continued to have power .Explain how the evil gorgons head is beneficial to perseus

Perseus can use the head to defeat the hydra

12. medusa was beheaded by perseus,yet her head continuedto have powers.explain how the evil gorgon’s head is beneficial to perseus

Since the the head's power is still intact, its ability to make the spectators or observers become a stone had been useful in preventing further bloodshed due to the anger of his bride's supposed-to-be-husband towards him.

13. medusa was beheaded by perseus, yet her head continued to have power. Explain how the evil Gorgon's head is beneficial to perseus

Perseus handed Athena Medusa's head, which she wore on her breastplate as protection against evil. Because Medusa's severed head still had the ability to turn people into stone, Perseus took it on numerous adventures and used it to vanquish his foes.

Further explanation:

Greek myths provide lessons on humanity. Independence is a characteristic of heroes that is established in both "Perseus and the Quest for Medusa's Head"

The Things That Haven't Been Done Before

Heroes do not require other people's approval in order to succeed.

He makes the decision to keep his word and go back to court once he has obtained Medusa's head. He pays attention to the counsel of Hermes and Athena before taking to the skies bravely in quest of the Gray Sisters.

Major Conflict:

It occurred when the cruel ruler of the island where Perseus and his mother were saved ordered him to fetch back Medusa's head. The king desired to wed his mother but decided against it. That was the fundamental justification for the king's attempt to expel Perseus. With the assistance of the gods and goddesses as well as willpower, Perseus conquered his many challenges. With the aid of winged sandals, Hermes led Perseus to the home of Medusa.

Because he killed Medusa and brought her head, and because he was able to kill the serpent that the Sea of God sent, Perseus was able to demonstrate his heroism. Princess Andromeda must be saved and obtained by killing the serpent. The latter was the most crucial weapon Perseus possessed because it allowed him to see a reflection of Medusa's face and prevent him from turning to stone. When he severed Medusa's head, two creatures—Chrysaor, a huge or winged boar, and Pegasus, a winged horse—instantaneously emerged from the droplets of her blood.

Learn more about Perseus here: https://brainly.ph/question/343767


14. Medusa was beheaded by Perseus yet her head continued to have power. Explain how the evil Gorgon’s head is beneficial to Perseus.​

Medusa's severed head retained its power to turn people into stone, so Perseus carried it on many adventures, using it to defeat his enemies. Eventually, in gratitude for her protection, Perseus gave Medusa's head to Athena, who placed it on her breastplate to ward off evil.

15. 6. Medusa was beheaded by Perseus, yet her head continued to have pover. Explain how the evil Gorgon's head is beneficial to Perseus.


it helped him defeat the Kraken that was released by his uncle Hades ( God of the Underworld )

16. Medusa was beheaded by perseus yet her head continued to have power explain how the evil gorgons is beneficial to preseus?

It was highly beneficial for Perseus, even though medusa's head was already beheaded and already killed. The powers still remain and continue to persist, so these powers gave Perseus a benefits to protect itself and kill his enemies.

17. medusa was be headed by perseus,yet her head continued to have power? explain the evil gorgons head ia beneficial to perseus.

Yes, Medusa's head continue to have power after it was detached from her body by Perseus. In fact, upon beheading Medusa two offspring came out from the drops of her blood- Pegasus, a winged horse, and Chrysaor, a giant or a winged boar. Perseus also used Medusa's head as weapon in most of the fights he had and later on requested to place Medusa's head into his shield.

18. Medusa was beheaded by perseus,yet her head continue to have power? Explain how the evil Gorgon's head is beneficial to perseus

"How Medusa's Head Became Beneficial to Perseus"

A frightening snake-filled female figure called Medusa. At first, Medusa was a common woman with a lovely face. He was, however, cursed.

Keto and Phorkys, a legendary sea god, are the parents of Medusa. As with Sthenno and Euryale, Medusa is related. The only one of them known as the Gorgon was the most well-known Medusa. Sthenno and Euryalee are immortal, although Medusa is considered to be mortal.

Due to her stunning appearance at birth, Medusa rose to the position of goddess prima donna in the Antenna. Not only that, but Poseidon, the sea deity, was also seduced by Medusa's beauty. Poseidon was astounded by Medusa's face and yearned to possess her entirely. Up until Poseidon eventually raped Medusa in the revered Athena temple.

The goddess Athena was aware that Poseidon and Medusa had engaged in behavior that was deemed shameful in the sacred temple. In a fit of rage, the goddess Athena cursed Medusa and her two brothers to become Gorgon.

Gorgon is a female with wings and snake-like hair. The curse is also meant to make it impossible for any more men to approach Medusa. Anyone who directs his gaze upon Medusa will instantly turn to stone. The most well-known version of Medusa's death involves the demigod Perseus beheading her. When Medusa was dozing off at the Gorgon home, Perseus broke into the house and attacked her. Perseus carried home the head of Medusa after successfully removing her head.

Nevertheless, the severed head retains a great deal of strength. The curse remained in place throughout. Medusa's head would turn everyone who looked at it into stone. In actuality, a snake will emerge from the bloodied skull.

It is stated that once Medusa's head was severed, Pegasus and Chrysaor, two mythical creatures, were born from her neck. Perseus uses the winged horse Pegasus as his mount to soar home. Giant Chrysaor was born with a golden sword in his hand.

In order to turn his adversaries into stone, especially the villainous Polidektes, king of Serifos, Perseus uses Medusa's head. After her quest was complete, Perseus gave Medusa's head to the goddess Athena. Her heirloom, the aigis, was given a head by Athena.

For more information about Medusa,Perseus,and Gorgon, click the link below.



19. medusa was beheaded by perseus, yet her head continue have power explain how the evil gorgons head is beneficial to perseus.

It is beneficial to Perseus in order to stop the monster from getting Andromeda , the princess... and also to stop the trouble made by the monsters..

20. explain how evil gorgon's had is beneficial to perseus

It's beneficial to Perseus as Perseus used it as a weapon against phineas, turning phineas into stone.

21. Medusa was beheaded by perseus, yet her head continued to have power. Explain how the evil Gorgons head is beneficial to perseus

Based on the movie that I’ve watched, the head of Medusa was the reason why they fought the monster, Hydra. Hydra was very hard to fought because if you cut his heads, it will grow back. If one of its head was decapitated, two more snake heads will grow in its place. In order to defeat Hydra, they faced the head of Medusa to Hydra and Hydra became a stone.

22. medusa was beheaded by perseus, yet her head continued to have a power. explain how evil gorgon's head was beneficial to perseus.

he used it as a weapon against phineas. he turned him into stone by the use of medusa's head.

23. Medusa was beheaded by Perseus yet her head continued to have power. Explain how the evil Gorgon’s head is beneficial to Perseus.



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24. Medusa was beheaded by perseus get her head continued to have power explain how the evil gorgons head was beneficial to perseus


he used the head to defeat the monster by showing its eyes and fulfilled hes battle


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25. medusa was beheaded by Perseus yet her head continued to have power. explain how the evil gorgons hesd is beneficial to Perseus

Using her head, Perseus was able to turn his enemies into stone even when detached from her body

26. Medusa was beheaded by Perseus, yet her head continued to have power. Explain how the evil Gorgon's head is beneficial to Perseus.

It was beneficial to Perseus because he was able to use it make his enemies become stones.

27. Medusa was beheaded by Perseus, yet her head continued to have power. Explain how the evil Gorgon’s head is beneficial to Perseus.

the ead of the gorgon can turn a loving thing facing its eyes into stone even after it is not connected to the body..perseus can use it to defeat mythical creatures like the minotaur and hydra by using this weapon

28. medusa was beheaded by Perseus, yet her head continued to have power. Explain how evil Gorgon's head is beneficial to Perseus have?​


persues use it when he will face the serpent

29. medusa was beheaded by perseus ,yet her head continued to have power. explain how the evil gorgons head is beneficial to persues

Perseus used the head's power and turned his enemies into stone.The head of the gorgon medusa was beneficial to Persues cause he used it when he and Phineas fought (Andromeda's Uncle) and when King Polydectes (Brother of Dictys) had dout him , he revealed the gorgons head as a proof.

30. medusa was beheaded by perseus, yet her head continued to have power explain how the evil gorgons head was beneficial to perseus

Medusa's eyes was still wide open, like what they said when you look at Medusa's eyes you'll turn into a stone so Perseus use it as his defense for the enemies.

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