Wentworth Scale Of Grain Size For Sediments

Wentworth Scale Of Grain Size For Sediments

Sediment that has grains of approximately the same size is said to be A. Well sorted B.poorly sorted C moderately sorted D. Very poorly sorted

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1. Sediment that has grains of approximately the same size is said to be A. Well sorted B.poorly sorted C moderately sorted D. Very poorly sorted


a. well sorted

2. Sediment analysis is an important tool for understanding the composition and characteristics of a body of water. Describe the techniques used to analyze sediment samples, including grain size analysis and microscopic examination. How can this information be used to inform environmental management and conversation efforts?


Sediment analysis involves examining sediment samples to understand their composition, structure, and characteristics. This analysis is important for understanding the quality of water bodies, as sediments can contain pollutants and other contaminants that can have negative impacts on aquatic life and human health.

There are several techniques used to analyze sediment samples, including grain size analysis and microscopic examination.

Grain size analysis is used to determine the distribution of particle sizes within a sediment sample. This technique involves separating the sediment into various size fractions, typically using sieves of different mesh sizes. The weight of each size fraction is then measured and used to calculate the percentage of the sample that falls within each size range. Grain size analysis can provide valuable information on sediment transport, sedimentation rates, and the origin of sediment particles.

Microscopic examination involves examining sediment samples under a microscope to identify the presence of organisms, minerals, and other particles. This technique can provide information on the ecological health of a water body, as well as the potential sources of pollutants and other contaminants.

The information obtained from sediment analysis can be used to inform environmental management and conservation efforts in several ways. For example, grain size analysis can help identify areas where sediment is eroding or accumulating, allowing for targeted erosion control measures or sediment removal efforts. Microscopic examination can provide information on the types and levels of pollutants present in sediments, which can inform decisions on remediation efforts and pollution prevention measures. Additionally, sediment analysis can help identify areas of high biological activity, which can inform decisions on habitat conservation and restoration efforts.

In summary, sediment analysis is an important tool for understanding the quality of water bodies and can provide valuable information for environmental management and conservation efforts. Grain size analysis and microscopic examination are two key techniques used in sediment analysis, providing insights into sediment transport, pollutant levels, and biological activity.


Grain size analysis is an important sediment analysis technique that allows scientists to determine the size and distribution of sediments in a specific area. This type of analysis involves collecting sediment samples from an area, then sieving and counting them into ranges of grain sizes. Knowing the size and distribution of the sediments can provide scientists with information about the type of sediment deposited in the area and its geologic history.

Microscopic examinations are also used to analyze sediment samples to identify its composition and characteristics. This type of analysis involves using a microscope to examine the individual grains in the sample. By looking at the shapes, sizes, and striations on the grains, scientists can identify the type of sediment present, where and when it was deposited, and what environment it was transported in.

The analysis of sediment samples can provide important information about the environment and important clues about its past and present. This type of information can help environmental management and conservation efforts by informing best practices for protecting the environment, monitoring water quality, and restoring habitats. For example, if scientists discover that the sediment in a certain area is eroding at an uncontrolled rate, they may suggest actions such as dredging to restore the environment, or establishing buffer zones to protect the sediment from further erosion. Additionally, understanding the composition of the sediment can help inform design strategies for regional planning and coastal development.

(Answered by Knowledge original and Valid Opinions to help and guide the questioners)

3. rice husk from grains is it picking winnowing or sedimentation​

winnowing? I'm not sure tho.

4. why do shapes and sizes of the sediments in sedimentary rock differ?​


Particle size is an important textural parameter of clastic rocks because it supplies information on the conditions of transportation, sorting, and deposition of the sediment and provides some clues to the history of events that occurred at the depositional site prior to final induration. Determining the sizes of the discrete particles that constitute a sedimentary rock can be difficult, particularly if the rock is firmly indurated (cemented, compacted, and lithified). Various methods of measuring grain-size distribution have been devised; likewise several different grade-size schemes exist.

5. Compacted sediments classified by size​

Compacted sediments classified by size

The Udden-Wentworth grain-size scale is used by geologists who research sediments and sedimentary rocks to describe the sizes of the grains in these materials. Here are the six basic categories for grain size; five of them include subdivisions, with clay being the exception. Every subsequent subcategory has diameter restrictions that are twice as large as the category below it.

Generally speaking, a boulder is heavier and larger than a toaster. The size of a boulder has no upper limit. A little cobble may be held with one hand, but a huge one requires two. A pebble is anything that is simple to throw. Granules, which are the smallest ones, are gravel-sized, yet you could still toss one. You can't, however, truly toss a single sand grain.

Sand has a thickness range of 2 mm to 0.063 mm, and its primary trait is that even the smallest sand grains feel "sandy" or gritty when touched. Silt's tiny size makes it impossible to see individual grains, and unlike sand, which feels gritty in your mouth but smooth to the touch, silt feels smooth to the touch. Since clay is so tiny, even in your tongue it feels smooth.

BoulderLarge, the size bigger than 1024 mmMedium, the size from 512 mm to 1024 mmSmall, the size from 256 mm to 512 mmCobbleLarge, the size from 128 mm to 256 mmSmall, the size from 64 mm to 128 mm

Pebble or GranuleVery course, the size from 32 mm to 64 mmCoarse, the size from 16 mm to 32 mmMedium, the size from 8 mm to 16 mmFine, the size from 4 mm to 8 mmVery fine, the size from 2 mm to 4 mm

Sand Very coarse, the size from 1 mm to 2 mmCoarse, the size from 0,5 mm to 1 mmMedium, the size from 0,25 mm to 0,5 mmFine, the size from 0,125 mm to 0,25 mmVery fine, the size from 0,062 mm to 0,125 mm

SiltVery coarse, the size from 32 microns to 63 micronsCoarse, the size from 16 microns to 32 micronsMedium, the size from 8 microns to 16 micronsFine, the size from 4 microns to 8 mironsVery fine, the size from 2 microns to 4 microns


Clay, the size from 0 – 2 microns

Learn more about sediment



6. rice husks from grainschoosepicking,winnowing,and sedimentation​


sedimentation siguro ewan



sana tama

7. sugarwhitegrain size​




because of its sweetness changing anyelse

white why?tignan nyo sa sinaing nyo kung anong kulay baka kasi pink e

8. compacted sediments classifiedbby size what kind of rocks​


Sedimentary rocks are classified based on how they form and on the size of the sediments, if they are clastic. Clastic sedimentary rocks are formed from rock fragments, or clasts; chemical sedimentary rocks precipitate from fluids; and biochemical sedimentary rocks form as precipitation from living organisms.

9. the grain size of a sandstone is large that of a shale​


Shale is an easily broken, fine-grained sedimentary rock composed of clastic grains with sizes <0.0625 mm, clay, and organic matter with shaley or thinly laminar bedding (Table 10.2). Shale is widespread in nature, making up about 55% of sedimentary rocks.

10. a process where minerals deposited from water in the spaces between the sediment grains gradually cements them together.




Cementation is a process by which minerals precipitate from pore fluids and bind individual grains together to form a rock. The cement may be quartz, calcite, hematite, etc. The process of converting sediments into rocks is termed lithification.

11. what is the grain size of baking soda


As a point of reference, the particle size of the typical baking soda you may have in your refrigerator is in the range of 65-70 microns,


My happiness is to help everyone who needs my help

12. 2. rice husks from grains A. Picking B. Winowing C. Sedimentation​


c ata yan


kasi sediment kasi yung rice eh


Letter B po Winowing



13. rice husk from grains is it picking winnowing or sedimentation​


sedimentation po ang sagot

14. the size of grain is relative to the rate of cooling​


Grain Size & Cooling Rate

As magma cools, it begins to crystallise and form solid rock. Igneous rocks are made up of several different mineral crystals that grow within the melt as it cools.

15. compacted sediments classified by size


Conglomerate Large Rounded

Breccia Large

Sandstone Sand-sized

Siltstone Silt-sized, smaller than sand

Shale Clay-sized, smallest

Conglomerate Clastic (fragments of non-organic sediments)

Breccia Clastic

Sandstone Clastic

Siltstone Clastic

Shale Clastic

Rock salt Chemical precipitate

Rock gypsum Chemical precipitate

Dolostone Chemical precipitate

Limestone Bioclastic (sediments from organic materials, or plant or animal remains)

Coal Organic

#Keep on learning<3

16. grain size of sugar​


Household Sugar : 400 microns

Powdered Sugar : 50 microns

17. 8.Hand picking is the method of: A. Picking slightly large sized objects by hand B. Separating grains from stalk. C. Separating liquid from a solid sediment D. Taking out impurities from water using the hand ​


A. Picking slightly large sized objects by hand


Hope it helps

Please Correct me if I'm wrong

18. 1. Produced by flowing water or wave action, analogous to cross-bedding, only on a smaller (individual layers are at most a few cm. thick. Currents were flowing from left to right. 2. Form when a water rich mud dries out on the air. 3. The grain size within a bed decreases upwards. This type of bedding is commonly associated with so called turbidity currents. 4. It is the inclination of the crossbeds that indicates the transport direction and the flow from left to right. 5. It is a process through which sediment grains are selected and separated according to grain size, and in some cases grain shape or density. 6. A term used when sediments are deposited in layers on top of one another, which packs loose sediment grains tightly together. 7. This is one principle of horizontality by which younger layers of sediments lies on top of older ones. 8. Another principle formulated by Danish Physician Nicolaus Steno, which describes sedimentary layers represent former continuous sheets. 9. A force that moves the water which mixes with soil and sediments which are pulled down into the water stream. 10. Prevents soil from washing into streams by holding the soil in place.​


thanks for the point


it occurs I dunno

19. the distribution of grains size in a layer is called​


called explination:explination:called

20. you can group igneous rocks by the size of grains in them.Coarse grained rocks are _____ and fine grained rocks are _____​



Igneous rocks are divided into two groups, intrusive or extrusive, depending upon where the molten rock solidifies. Intrusive Igneous Rocks: Intrusive, or plutonic, igneous rock forms when magma is trapped deep inside the Earth. Great globs of molten rock rise toward the surface.

21. does a combination of rice grains and corn grains change the properties of each material A. yes the size and shape of the colors of rice grains and corn grains changed B.no the rice grains and corn grains do not change C.yes there is a change in the size shape and color of corn grains only D. No there is a change in the size,shape &color of the rice grains only. please help​


it's letter B


tama to swear

22. The process of reducing the particle size of grain is called __________.​


it is called : comminution

Answer with Explanation:

Comminution is the reduction of solid materials from one average particle size to a smaller average particle size, by crushing, grinding, cutting, vibrating, or other processes. ... Within industrial uses, the purpose of comminution is to reduce the size and to increase the surface area of solids.

23. Differ from one another depending on the kind,size,and color of their sediments?​


Sedimentary rocks


The size of sediment is defined by the size of the particles that make up the sediment. The largest sediment size is called a boulder. Boulders have a diameter that is larger than 256 millimeters (about 10 inches). Cobbles are the next largest sediment, they are 64 - 256 mm in diameter (about 3-10 inches). Pebbles are next in size and are 4-64 mm in diameter (about 1/6-3 inches). The next sizes of sediments are very small, granules are 2-4 mm, sand 1/16-2mm, silt 1/256-1/16 mm, and the smallest sediment size is clay which is less than 1/256 of a millimeter in diameter.

Sedimentary rocks are formed in three ways from these different sized sediments.

A sedimentary rock is a layered rock that is formed from the compaction, cementation, and the recrystallization of sediments.

24. What is grain size reduction. elaborate?


Decreasing grain size decreases the amount of possible pile up at the boundary, increasing the amount of applied stress necessary to move a dislocation across a grain boundary. ... Grain sizes can range from about 100 μm (0.0039 in) (large grains) to 1 μm (3.9×10−5 in) (small grains).

25. compacted sedimentsclassified by size​




dahil hindo non clastic

26. are greater3.are fine-grained (clay to silt sized) minerals.4. These are minerals precipitated from solution that binds the grains and matrixtogether5. The respective diameter of these rocks is >2mm and are made up of primarilyrock fragments6. These sediments have a diameter between 0.063-2mm and can contain highquartz %.7.have sediments diameter <0.063mm and made up mainly of clayminerals and quartz grains to a much lesser extent​


I have a lot of information to ask you for the information ℹ I will not be complete without the notice of the different vegetables and other materials which will be delivered


I have a lot of information to ask you for the information I well not comple without the notice of the different vegetables and other materials which well be delivered


sana makatulong po thanks

27. What type of sediments is in the rock (size and composition)?​

Clastic Sedimentary Rocks:

If the sediment is buried deeply, it becomes compacted and cemented, forming sedimentary rock. Clastic sedimentary rocks may have particles ranging in size from microscopic clay to huge boulders. Their names are based on their clast or grain size.





im not sure that's what i remember

28. A type of sediment movement where grains of sand are bouncing along the river bed.


Saltation is the bouncing of sand grains as they are picked up

29. Compaction is an important lithification process with which sediments size?​


Compaction is most effective in converting very fine-grained sediments, such as clay-size particles, into sedimentary rocks.

30. how to change the size of rice grains​


By cooking it,



cooking it makes it a bit bigger

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